Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cooking in an RV

Welcome to my blog about our RV travels and some kitchens stories.

I have always loved to cook so when we sold our house, I took all those gadgets I had collected over the years and we moved into our motorhome. How can I possibly survive without a crab cracker, a lemon zester or 3 different size whisks!! You know it seemed logical to me at the time. I must admit that every now and then I get rid of a couple unnecessary things in the RV but I'm really stubborn about getting rid of those necessary gadgets. I have pie pans (3), a bundt pan, 2 individual size pie pans, a 9 x 11 cake pan, a 9" round cake pan, 2 different size cheese cake pans, 3 loaf get the picture. I'm an addict!!! I love to cook and bake and I figure that just because I have a kitchen the size of a bathroom stall that it shouldn't stop me from creating some culinary delights. Well, that's my thoughts for today.

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