Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Canning in the RV

Who would think that I would be canning in the RV! Well, I canned some pickled beets over the weekend. The last time I canned, I made jelly...which was a couple years was sort of funny. I didn't have a canner so I used a regular pot. I think I put knives on the bottom so the jars wouldn't touch the bottom and there were knives between the jars. Now that I look back at it it was so funny! There was water boiling over onto the little stove in the RV. There was not only jelly made but also jam. Boy, was I proud of myself. There were 18 jars when I was finished. Twisting a cheesecloth to get the juice out was another challenge.

Now, I have once again have a canner and all the other gadgets you need to can. Of course, I did have those when I was in our house but we sold them because there was no way I was ever going to be able to can in a motorhome.

The sweet corn is in so I will go out there on Saturday and pick some. I have never canned corn but I usually freeze it. Lots of blanching and with so little counter space it really can easily become cluttered. Since there isn't that much room in the RV freezer I may try to can some...we'll see. Skip has asked if I could make some bread and butter pickles so that will be a project next week. Of course, the jam still has to be made.

When I was younger I use to can tomatoes and even make tomatoe juice. Don't think I'll be that adventurous this year. It was wonderful when we had a garden...maybe we will put one on our lot in Oregon next year.

Still trying to cook as much as possible but tonight was a brat dinner at the clubhouse. Skip and a bunch of men did all the cooking. It was a nice break.

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